
An industrial expert talk by Mr. Anil Kotnis, Co-Founder, Director & CEO of Glutrac, Bangalore was invited as a resource person for this event.

Department of Chemistry

An industrial expert talk by Mr. Anil Kotnis, Co-Founder, Director & CEO of Glutrac, Bangalore was invited as a resource person for this event.

On 5th August 2022, an industrial expert talk was arranged by the Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in the Nano Center of the Department of Chemistry. Mr. Anil Kotnis, Co-Founder, Director & CEO of Glutrac, Bangalore was invited as a resource person for this event.

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Home / An industrial expert talk by Mr. Anil Kotnis, Co-Founder, Director & CEO of Glutrac, Bangalore was invited as a resource person for this event.