
IGBC conducted the Green Talk to the students of 4th semester mechanical. speaker Shri. Sameer Majli, Green Saviours Association, Belagavi.

Mechanical Engineering

IGBC conducted the Green Talk to the students of 4th semester mechanical. speaker Shri. Sameer Majli, Green Saviours Association, Belagavi.

Today under the banner of IGBC we conducted the Green Talk to the students of 4th semester mechanical. Shri. Sameer Majli, Green Saviours Association, Belagavi was the speaker. He addressed the problems faced by the Belagavi city due to mass cutting down of the trees in the city. He also gave various solutions to how to have a sustainable environment. Dr. GSG and myself coordinated the entire event.

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Home / IGBC conducted the Green Talk to the students of 4th semester mechanical. speaker Shri. Sameer Majli, Green Saviours Association, Belagavi.