
Aeronautical Engineering Research

Projects Handled by the Department:

Sr. No.Name of the ProjectAC YearFaculty
1Design and Simulation of a hybrid taxi2020-21Prof. Anil Kumar Nakkala
2High Range and Endurance Transitional UAV Design and Analysis2020-21
3UAV Autopilot Design2020-21
4Design, development and analysis of blended wing body (BWB) for optimum flight2021-22
5Design of Hardware in the loops (HIL) simulation for quad-copter.2021-22
6Design & fabrication of low-cost autonomous quadcopter for land surveying & mapping purposes2022-23
7Parameter estimation of MAV2022-23
8Development of VTOL system for a UAV2020-21Prof. Parameshwar Banakar
9Design and development of AGRO drone2021-22
10Experimental and Numerical Aerodynamic Analysis of Serpentine inlet duct for UAV2020-21Prof. Venkatesh Kusnur
11Fabrication of a UAS with pick up and drop mechanism2022-23Prof. I V Patil

Winners in Research Contest-2024

Paper Presentation at International Conference-IIT Madras

Paper Presentation at International Conference

Paper Presentation at International Conference

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