In House Hackathon conducted for students of KLSGIT by Department of Computer Science and engineering to cater to the need of providing secured entry for students of GIT and to dismiss any tresspassing by providing practical and robust solutions.
The IEEE Information Theory Society Student Branch at KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi, organized the two-day “Trash to Treasure” event on 3rd and 4th August 2024.
Internal Hackathon (Smart India Hackathon - 2024)
The Department of Computer Science & Engineering, KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi, organised a 24-hour internal hackathon (Smart India Hackathon - 2024) on 9-10th September 2024! 💻🔥
Experts from Industry were invited to evaluate student performance along with faculty members from diverse departments @ KLSGIT
Recognition and Appreciation to Non Teaching Staff by Event Organiser and SPOC of SIH-2024 Dr.Sharada Kori along with Head of the Department Dr. Sanjeev Sannakki of Computer Science Department
Active Participation in acknowledging the solutions developed by the students during SIH-2024 by Dr. M.S. Patil,Principal,KLS Gogte Institute of Technology,Belagavi, along with HOD CSE and ACE Coordinator.