


  1. Elsevier (Science Direct):

Elsevier is a global information analytics business specializing in scientific, technical, and medical content. Its products include journals such as The Lancet and Cell, The Science Direct collection of electronic journals, and the Current Opinion series of journals, It includes digital tools for data management, instruction, and assessment.

Subjects: All Branches
Content: (298 eJournals)

URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/


  • Springer Nature:

Springer Nature is a leading academic and educational publisher serving the needs of researchers, students, teachers, and professionals around the world. It is Springer Nature’s mission to help the community to discover, learn and achieve more. We serve this cause by making knowledge accessible across our three business areas of Research, Education, and Professional.

Subjects: All Branches 
Content: (690 eJournals)

URL: https://link.springer.com/


The IEEE Xplore® digital library provides access to IEEE journals, transactions, and letters.

Subjects: All Branches

Content: (275 e-Journals)

URL: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp


  • Taylor and Francis:

T&F is one of the world’s leading publishers of scholarly journals, books, reference works, and databases, It has a passion for the digital distribution of online journals and ebooks. It also provides quality information and knowledge.

Subjects: All Engg Braches & Architecture
Content: (536 BE eJournals )

URL: https://www.tandfonline.com/


  • Emerald:

Emerald is global publisher linking research and practice of business and management. As a result we are developing a new digital research platform and plan for increases in yearly article growth. Today, we continue to nurture fresh thinking in applied fields where we feel we can make a real difference.

Subject: Management                  
Content: (120 eJournals)

URL: https://www.emerald.com/insight/


  •  ProQuest:

Technology Collection includes Advanced Technology & Aerospace and Materials Science & Engineering Databases.

Subject: Architecture and all Engineering and its allied branches

Content: (120 eJournals)

URL: https://www.proquest.com/165290


  •  Knimubs:

Knimbus stands for Knowledge Cloud and is a dedicated knowledge discovery and collaborative space for researchers and scholars.

Subjects: All Branches

Content: 13000 open access journals

URL: https://www.knimbus.com/#/


  • Drill Bit: Plagiarisum Detection Software

URL : https://www.drillbitplagiarismcheck.com


  • National Digital Library of India:

Ministry of Human Resource Development under its National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology has initiated the National Digital Library of India (NDL India) pilot project to develop a framework of a virtual repository of learning resources with a single-window search facility. The pilot project is devising a framework that is being scaled up with respect to content volume and diversity to serve all levels and disciplines of learners. It is being developed at IIT Kharagpur.

The GIT is registered under Institutional Membership and 5000+ registered users (Faculty, Staff and Students)


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