

Department of Aeronautical Engineering



The Technical Project Exhibition was held on 11th May at Aeronautical Engineering Department with the objective of showcasing innovative and practical projects developed by students and professionals in various technical fields. The event aimed to foster creativity, collaboration, and knowledge sharing among participants and attendees.

Mr. Navneetha Krishnan- Manager UAV Aero Design, Yottec Systems LLP Bengaluru, was the external examiner of our departmental projects. Along with the internal examiner Prof. I V. Patil he went round the exhibits, evaluated and interacted with students. Project Prototypes prepared by students focusing on real world problems in the Expo attracted the judges and college students. This exhibition also provided a unique platform to the participating students for their innovations and new experiences with the community.

Finally, after successful completion of Project Expo Head of the Department has expressed his gratitude to External Examiner for providing support to make this event happen and he also congratulated staff members and students for their active participation. Feedback was taken from the industrialists, visitors, and students.


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